Tag Archives: iron horse poppers

What You Didn’t Know About Iron Horse Poppers

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The Urban Dictionary defines poppers also known as snappers as, “that which are sniffed usually during homosexual sex…” Bad connotation? Some say yes but others with an open mind realize that amyl nitrite is used for better health.

The chemical perception is that amyl nitrite – Iron Horse Poppers – has a negative health effect especially in the homosexual community. While some may hold this to be true there have been studies showing that amyl nitrite has little or no potential for addiction nor any negative effect on health. Actually alcohol and tobacco when studied in a laboratory produced more addictions. Researchers from all over the world at a symposium published by the Lancet’ in March of 2007 determined that the use of amyl nitrite produce little potential harm to individuals or to society when compared to other recreational drugs. Aside from any public opinions, the homosexual community, friends and relatives of these men or women take some comfort in the safety in using this chemical.
Amyl Nitrite Has Positive Health Applications. Its chemical compound which is part of the alkyl nitrites- C5H11ONO, and as an inhalant acts as a psychoactive drug producing a euphoric effect. However what most are unaware of is that amyl nitrite is used to treat various and serious health issues. Heart diseases such as angina- a sensation of chest pain or pressure, a symptom of an impending heart attack – help stabilize those inflected. To the lay person this chemical acts as a relaxant to the vascular muscles. It is beneficial to the cardiac patient by a direct effect on the heart, a fall in blood pressure, and a decrease in left ventricular work. Even though the drop in blood pressure isn’t long lasting – 30 seconds or so – it returns to normal in less than two minutes.

Additionally, amyl nitrite is sometimes used as an antidote for cyanide poisoning. It acts as an oxidant inducing the formation of methemoglobin (and oxygen carrying substance). It can act as an antioxidant to induce the formation of methemoglobin.

Effects on the Environment
Those who are environmentally conscious are well aware of the fact that Amyl nitrite helps the planet. It is used as a harmless cleaning agent or solvent. As a solvent it has replaced Freon which was discontinued in 1995 due to dubious damage to the ozone layer. Those in the tech industry also applaud this chemical because the industry uses it as a printed circuit board cleaner.

Did you know that even the ladies uses amyl nitrite? Yes, they may not have known that a very small amount is added to perfumes as it will neutralize most odors rapidly.

Another Rarely Known Use

Social uses of nitrites is not limited to the homosexual community. Dancing patrons sniff the stuff on the dance floor where they enjoy a combined high of rhythm.

Debunking the Negative Lung Effect

Dr. Swenson in 1978 studied 20 males who used poppers four times a day for over seven years. His finding were compared to a non-user control group. The results were not expected. Swenson found that there were no significant differences between the lung functions of the two groups-none. And the amazing fact that the nitrite using group smoked much more tobacco as well as marijuana than the control group stunned everyone.