Tag Archives: guide to poppers

Poppers Guide – To Pop or Not to Pop

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Poppers, according to some of the top poppers guide sites, are an aromatic fluid made from alkyl nitrite (or any other nitrite for that matter) sometimes used by club goers to intensify the experience they have when pumping with the music. The flashing lights and colors are also intensified. Contrary to some belief, Poppers are not physically addictive and therefore it is legal. It has a sweet and fruity aroma that varies on the type of nitrite used to make it with.

Poppers Guide

It is used by inhaling the content from a little bottle, usually about 10-30ml of yellow fluid. It is also used as nail polish remover, liquid incense or even leather cleaner. These nitrites really have a wide array of uses, making it quite versatile.

In the 1970s Poppers were widely known as a recreational drug in the gay communities and that was also the target market for a very long time. Nowadays, though, the market has expanded to include people from absolutely all walks of life. Everyone from your hipster to your suit wearing businessman is getting in on the action. But the question that begs to be asked is: ‘Why?’ Why do so many people today use this stuff?

Some say that it massively increases sexual pleasure when inhaled and Poppers Guide quoted from a study named Psychosexual Aspects of the Volatile Nitrites where it was noted that it is the one thing closest to an actual aphrodisiac that we have. It decreases one’s inhibitions to a point where one is able to experience sensuality on your entire skin’s surface. Then, when it is inhaled just as one is about to reach an orgasm, the orgasm itself is experienced as being faster, more freeing and feels like it goes on for longer. As many users have reported before, everything beautiful to the user is magnified and more pleasurable, making it quite the wanted little number.

It used to be made only from only amyl- and isobutyl nitrite but since then isoamy-, cyclohexyl- and isopentyl nitrite may also be used to get the same effect as they did from the original Poppers and these latter potions have been advertised as safe to use.

The name Poppers comes from the popping sound the original glass capsules made when they were cracked open. Amyl nitrite had been used in the medical field before for the treatment of angina, severe chest pains that have been linked to heart attacks but they still cannot figure out why it has such a profound positive effect on the user’s rational state. Even though they now come in screw top bottles that don’t pop, the name has remained.

When using Poppers, the nitrites causes the blood vessels to dilate, allowing for more blood flow to the brain which leads to a feeling of euphoria and decreased inhibitions. The law says you can use it, it makes you feel amazing, it increases sexual arousal and satisfaction so the question you need to ask yourself is, are you comfortable with using it? Whether you use it as an aromatic addition to your home or nail polish remover or even as a drug it is all up to you.