Tag Archives: Amyl Nitrate

What is amyl nitrate?

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amyl nitrate molecule

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What is amyl nitrate?

Contrary to the amount of information that is listed online and disseminated in popular culture (and often on this website) amyl nitrate is NOT commonly used as a recreational inhalant in poppers.

According to wikipedia amyl nitrate is a chemical used as an additive to diesel fuel which aids in the acceleration of the ignition of the fuel.

Not the sort of things you’d want to inhale for recreational use.

What most people think amyl nitrate is, is actually amyl NITRITE, which many people do use as a form of poppers for recreational inhalant use.

Below is a picture of the popular inhalants made of amyl nitrite:

amyl nitrite

Amyl nitrite

What is amyl nitrate? Amyl nitrate is made of is the below chemical composition:

what is amyl nitrate

amyl nitrate molecule

Sadly, once a piece of inaccurate information spreads throughout the internet and social culture as pervasively as this one has there is very little chance of the misconception ever being corrected.

Getting it straight …

If you are at our website you probably don’t want to know what amyl nitrate is. You are looking for information about the more popular amyl nitrite.

Amyl nitrite is a chemical compound that is commonly used in poppers. Poppers are an inhalant that is used during the act of sex or simply as a means to experience a brief amount of euphoria normally only lasting a few minutes.

The poppers drug causes your arteries to increase in size causing an increase in blood flow and a feeling of euphoria.

Of course, like all things, nothing is free. As with excess alcohol can result in hangovers an excessive amount of amyl nitrite can result in negative results such as headaches and dizziness.

Correcting the misinformation …

Want to help out a friend? Next time someone poses you the question ‘What is amyl nitrate’ take a few minutes and explain to them what the facts are. It could save them a whole lot of trouble down the road and it will make you look smart as heck.

This is Poppers Pro signing off – catch you next week!