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More About Poppers and Isobutyl Nitrite

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isobutyl nitrite

The poppers or poppers are those liquids belonging to the alkyl nitrite family (particularly, isobutyl nitrite and butyl nitrite) that are used recreationally in the US and abroad to enhance sexual pleasure. Poppers, which are in small bottle container, are taken by inhaling the contents. The liquid is characterized as typical yellowish color having distinctive, juicy fruity and sweetish aroma.

Poppers containing isobutyl nitrite are legal and safe for use. This product is not addictive, but a possibility of establishing mental dependency as well as craving for the products pleasurable effects is evident. Today, many poppers are for sale as room odorizer, liquid incense, nail polish remover, or leather cleaner. Most of all poppers are highly sought for their recreational use; isobutyl nitrite can effectively execute all of the functions listed.

It is widely believed that poppers are gay drugs, but no shed of truth is on that claim. However, it is the truth that gay population in the 1970s are known users of poppers under the name of Rush, Room, Locker, Hardware or Ram. It is also true that producers of poppers during that time made large investment on its advertisements and even came up with a gay-targeted cartoon named “Poppers”.

In the early part of 1978, poppers are said to be sold in the streets of New York. The vendors described their clients as gays, business people, brooks brothers suits, straights, Gucci crowd and off-duty cops. What is it in poppers that make this crowd buy them? They are even saying that the product smell like sweaty socks.

The answer to this popper product question can be based on a study about nitrates that was published in 1982. Accordingly, such inhalable isobutyl nitrite can be the closest thing to a true type of aphrodisiac. During foreplay, this nitrites posses a disinhibiting effect, which enables the user in experiencing skin surface sensuality. If inhaled before orgasm, the user can experience the sense of exhilaration as well as acceleration that frees inhibition and perceived orgasm to be prolonged and intense.isobutyl nitrite

What is the formula?

During the 70s and 80s, doctors note the use of two compounds in producing poppers, which are isobutyl nitrite and amyl nitrite. Numbers of other formulations were developed ever since. The poppers of today also refers to cyclohexyl nitrite, isoamyl nitrite or isopentyl nitrite; the three being currently promoted as a new formulas, EU formulas, USA-safe formulas and others.

These new formulas are never purer of even better than the originals. These formulas are results of non-ending game of poppers producers that need to play a game with the regulatory bodies. If a new formula is banned, another one will surface, and the process continues. The new currently promoted poppers from new formula are in a way close to the original such as isopentyl and cyclohexyl. Some others are just a bunch of craps that are far from the original formulation such as isobutyl nitrite.

Conclusively, if you still don’t get it, poppers are inhalant that is much easier to come by through leather shop or adult book stores. The best, genuine quality of poppers contains isobutyl nitrite.