Category Archives: Poppers

Everybody loves poppers and the feeling they get from them.

It does not matter what formula you choose because they always add a little zing to your sex life.

It does not matter if you use them alone because you know even solo they can kick your pleasure up a notch.

If you are a popper lover it is because you have used them in the past and you have found they increase you and your partners pleasure.

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Enjoy this collection of articles on poppers. We think you will benefit from the experience we have over the years.

The Positive and the Negative Effects of Isobutyl Nitrite

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Isobutyl nitrite is a chemical that makes up poppers. This chemical is the main ingredient in poppers and is responsible in the “rush” that users are looking forward to feeling. But does isobutyl nitrite have side effects too? Could poppers be dangerous when regularly used?

Great effects

  • The familiar “rush” is the best about isobutyl and you get this each time you pop a bottle of poppers! You will feel empowered, very sensual and very light but not to the point of passing out. And this sets the mood whenever you use poppers with the isobutyl nitrite blend.
  • You feel relaxed; your muscles relax this is simply because this chemical causes vasodilation. Your heart will beat a little bit faster and with more blood rushing to your organs you will definitely feel higher and stronger.
  • When it comes to sex, poppers with isobutyl nitrite set the mood. You will feel uninhibited and very relaxed and thus you will absolutely welcome all amazing sexual pleasures that you would happen!
  • Another good effect for men is that they have stronger and more powerful erections with increased blood flow. Combined with amazing arousal, men will be able to provide amazing pleasure to their partners.
  • Females are not left in the dark either. They will feel amazingly interested and are very ready to get it on; they will have longer and stronger orgasms even with the slightest provocation!
  • Poppers with isobutyl nitrite easily leave your system and thus you will never have to deal with any kind of side effects. You will be able to recount the night before, along with the tender memories of what happened as you use poppers, and still be able to go to work the morning after even when you use poppers.
  • Poppers leave your system easily and this means that you will never have to deal with problems of over using poppers. This is not an addicting substance unlike alcohol or certain drugs.

Not so great effects

  • Some users experience feeling weak and unable to control their emotions when using poppers with isobutyl nitrite. The rush sometimes ends with completely passing out and thus could be dangerous when used together with alcohol and other substances that reduce blood pressure.
  • With absolutely no inhibitions after using poppers with this chemical, users could be at risk for developing sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy. It is therefore very important to use poppers with people whom you trust and to have protection.
  • With no inhibitions, users could end up using poppers the wrong way and this could lead to dangerous effects, even death. Poppers should be used accordingly; it should never be taken with social drugs or Viagra. It should not be taken with alcohol or used with prescription medication that could reduce blood pressure and affect the heart.

Poppers should only be inhaled from the bottle but never taken orally or placed on the skin since it could burn your throat or skin.