Category Archives: Amyl Nitrate Poppers

Amyl Nitrate Poppers have been around for decades.

In the early 1960’s and 70’s they became popular as a recreational drug for sex. Authorities thought that this was a poor use and made them for prescription use only.

After this people found another solution in isobutyl and alkyl nitrites which were cheaper and easier to find. While these worked they were never as powerful.

The original amyl nitrate is still available but much harder to find. Your best bet is to use one of the less powerful but legal alternatives available today.

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Enjoy this collection of articles on amyl nitrate poppers. We think you will benefit from the experience we have over the years.

Poppers drug

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What is a poppers drug?

Poppers are a type of drug that are used as an inhalant.

They are often made from amyl nitrate or some other type of butyl nitrite such as isobutyl.

This type of recreational drug is widely used as a Rave party drug and is often used during sex to intensify orgasms.

Use is across all age groups and is used by both sexes although in the past it was predominantly considered a gay sex drug.

Is there any type of poppers drug test?

Poppers can not be detected with a drug test. The effects only last a few minutes and then re gone from the users system.

This results in poppers being the drug of choice for people just wanting a quick ‘high’.

Easy to use, inexpensive and undetectable makes this drug very popular.

What are poppers drug effects?

poppers drug use

poppers drug use

Poppers use can give a sense of euphoria. Increases in heart rate and blood flow are also common side effects. Dizziness can occur as can lack of balance.

Repeated use can often result in both headaches and shortness of breath.

No serious injuries have been reported from the use of poppers as a drug but with most things there is a potential for abuse.

Where can you buy the poppers drug?

Many online websites sell them as do many adult bookstores and novelty shops.

If you are planning to buy poppers online check out our many resources including sniffing poppers, poppers side effects and what are poppers.

Until next time this is the PoppersPro signing off wishing you all the very best of experiences while you are partying down. Be Safe!